Tuesday 17 January 2012

Love words:Trust is very important for love

anonymous: Just like in dreams, with love there's no such thing as impossible.


- Mary Baker Eddy

meg: and i realised i was in love with you when my heart sank and i felt like something had just left me.

Jenni Jean: Don't leave your heart totally opened or closed. If it is too open then you're asking to get hurt, but if it is closed then you'll never live!

BJ: If you can't get someone out of your mind.....STOP trying, the're ment to be there! <3

Tanya: LOVE is a word no man can define, it's something only GOD could design.

Curtis David: Life without love is like a tree without no root.

Legsy: Love is when you miss someone when they are sitting right next you.

Maggie: luving sum 1 is good, untill u find out they dont luv u back :(

James: You don't love a girl because of her beauty. you love her because she sings a song only you can understand.....

Bookworm101: When u look at me..... my heart beats faster.....when u talk to me i can hardly speak.....when u kiss me u say it all..... YOU LOVE ME!

Emzzzzz: Love is like pi. Natural, irrational, and hard to define.

carrie: Love is putting someone else's need and wants above your own.

chicka: Love is when you can't focus in class cause you're too busy writing your first name with his last.

carla: Love is giving yourself for nothing in return.

helen: If i could rewrite the alphabet,i would put u and i together.

Anonymous: I'm jealous of every girl that has ever hugged you, because for one moment, they had my whole world in their arms.


You were thinking of someone

Jojo: Love is like glitter. It makes a mess, gets everywhere, and Short Love Sayings is hard to clean up after, but if you get it right, you'll be glowing. <3

anonomous: Why is it that the boy that breaks your <3 is the one that makes it beat faster?

Gidget: Love is alway open arms. If you close your arms about love, you will find that you are left holding only yourself.

Judy: If you really love someone and they don't love you but are happy with where they are then you should be happy for them and support them. If you're totally unhappy that they don't feel the same for you then you don't love them in the first place. You're only thinking about your own feelings and not theirs. That's not love. Love is about being completely selfless.

JenniferPatriciaGuardado: There's always this one person who will always have your heart & whom will hold so many memories & who brought tears to your eyes & who you hate but you only hate them cause you can't stop loving them.

Stormy Rae-Anne: I have found the love of my life and it's a wonderful thing. If you have got your heart broken. I'm telling you from experience maybe its a good thing it didn't work out with you and that person. Because if I would have stayed with the one who broke my heart..... I wouldn't be with the wonderful guy I am with now. You just have to keep your head up and Short Love Sayings a smile on your face. Life has to get bad before it can get better and trust me. It does gets better. (:

winter lover: love is like life without love there would be no life

Katie: You know you're in love with someone, when you see them and your heart flutters, or your stomach does flips. You know you're in love with someone, when they are all that you can think about, they're the last thing on your mind when you sleep, and the first thing when you wake up. No one else might see it, know it, but you do. You know.....you FEEL it..deep down inside.....

Lokesh+Shubhangi=Shubhesh: Love is most beautiful accident. I got hurt very badly......

Syamsul: Hold on to that special person like your life depends on it, sure enough if it's true love, you'll make it alive.

nessie: don't be afraid to fall inlove because of the fact that you were hurt before. never let your past overwhelm your present. just come to think that there is still someone better that will love and accept of who and what you are despite of the consequences. remember, life is so short so live life to what should it be!!!

Yzor 1: True love takes time to offend and takes no time to reconcile.

K: If i could, I would let you know how much I feel deep inside my heart.

Timothy: Love is inevitable.. cause if true love happens.. Love will find a way whether seems to be no way.

Nes: If a man is not there for you at your worst, he does not deserve to see you at your best.

Alexandra: i found out y people want love so much...... its the closest thing we have to magic.


it broke my heart into pieces. . .

Nicole: Lovers are like fingerprints. There's a bunch of them out there, all different, but only one is yours.

sharina: You are the first person in the morning and the last person at night I think of.....

tcrash101: love isnt just a feeling its a 3 words that can hurt some one for the rest of there life cause its so precious

Matt: If every word i said made you smile, I'd talk forever.

michelle: Love is so pretty you don't want to let it go even when it's already gone.....



BiancaSupple: Boys Love Girls For There Looks , But Girls Look For Boys Who Dont.

Burhan Khan: I tried to find the perfect line to make you mine, but all i could find was the look in my eyes, your hand in mine, and the words will you be mine.

Hisgirl: If you love something don't set it free, fight with every last dying breathe, you have just to hold on to it.


Fre with the girl who you love and adore, i once once that girl, not anymore


3) Will always be.

Carl(im a girl): I'd rather have bad times with you that good times with someone else.

Sophie: Everybody carries a puzzle piece, it's just finding the person to fit yours.

Syeda: Trust is very important for love, without trust there is no love.

HisBaby: Love is the greatest gift, God gave to us. Love is simply giving the best you have, loving someone is not easy for you are taking a risk on it but love is simply like that you must give your everything. you could only tell that you are in love when you could freely say to yourself, Your way first and your happiness matters most even that thing that could make that individual happy could make you feel blue and desperate. Love is accepting an individual and loving that person without asking for any return like what God had done for us.

charl: I have done it twice and now its all in my past.

denndennb: At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world and I only want you.

loverboy: -Little Manhattan

siya: Love: Its being awake whole night to see your love sleep well.....

david: I believe that the reason we live, is to learn how to love.

Chuckie: You saw the mess i was in and yet you still choose to love me!

Fitsum: It's true that it hurts to love someone and not to be loved in return. But what hurts most is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.

Nigerian: Love can lead to romans but can romans lead to marriage.?

Grace: Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel.

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